Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's been a rough week. I feel a little off anyway because I didn't have class this week and it makes the days seem strange. I go back this week for the start of my last term.

Wednesday morning, they started walking people out of work. A bunch of people got laid off (including my stepdad), which is a shitty situation and there was a lot of anxiety and quite a few tears. Then, Wednesday afternoon, a group of us were told that we'll be working 9 hour days until further notice, when we've been working 7 hour days for weeks now. Idek. It'll be good for my paycheck, but not so good for my mental health. Which, as we all know, is kinda shaky anyways.

Something that always makes me feel better, though, is a happy list (which is, obviously, a list of things that make me happy!), so...

♥ 39 days! I have 39 days until I go to Texas! I am ridiculously excited for this.

♥ It is supposed to be almost 80 degrees outside today. Cannot wait to go play. As soon as I change out of my pajamas.

♥ My van is all legal and driveable and stuff! Or, it will be after my brother brings it back to me today.

♥ It's my sister Shannon's birthday.

♥ Trailers for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

♥ I've preordered my copy of Jim Butcher's Turn Coat and Jaida & Dani's Shadow Magic.

Uh, I'm sure there is more Happy, but I'm gonna go wake Stink up and spend some time outside with him & his brother. <3

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